Sunday, April 8, 2012

Double Standard

It seems our President has something of a variable regard for majority rule. Mere hours after lecturing the Supreme Court on the deference due acts of Congress passed by, what he termed, "...a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress", his minions in the DOJ were in court in Massachusetts attempting to have the Defense of Marriage Act, signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996, declared unconstitutional. 

 Obama-care passed the House by 7 votes, 219-212 with 30 odd members of his own party voting against it. It's passage in the Senate was bought at a price of several hundred billion pork barrels spread among half a dozen states.

 By comparison DOMA passed the House 342-67 and the Senate by a vote of 85-14

Dare we to think his only guiding principle is partisan political expedience?


Finntann said...

Nah... not partisan politics, no way!

Always On Watch said...

You've started a blog!

viburnum said...

Sort of. Still gearing up, but I hope to get it going in earnest soon

Z said...

viburnum, I'm so glad to see you've started a blog!

And naaa...this has NOTHING to do with politics :-)

By the way, remember Obama said his healthcare passed by "overwhelming" majority? !!! PEOPLE BELIEVE HIM. The left can say anything and the media covers. Some overwhelming majority, huh?
Now DOMA DID...that's a pretty big majority...and they want to overturn the people AGAIN?

When are the people going to wake up? Where the HECK are the Republican party??

Z said...

your comment to Beamish about voting Democrat was HILARIOUS!
GOod one! xx

dmarks said...

This is a real good blog.

Obama is a hypocrite with contempt for democracy. He only likes it if people vote his way.

viburnum said...

Thanks dmarks. just getting started

California Girl said...
